Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to create a new Blogger template (Part 2)

Blogger's Layout Data Tags

As of this writing, a Blogger's template document requires at least a skin declaration, usually placed in the document header as seen in Listing 1 below.Listing 1: <b:skin><!--[CDATA[ /* Blogger only allows exactly one (1) <b:skin/--> element be defined * in the template document. * Although this is essentially where we place our global CSS code, * we can still declare style blocks or inline style attributes as * usual just like the example below. */ .globalStyleClass { definitions; } ]]></b:skin> <style type="text/css"> .standardstyleclass { definitions; } </style>

For details on why tag is required read this Blogger Help article—that is, if you want to integrate your customized template to Blogger's WYSIWYG layout editor.

That's pretty much it. The rest, we can just drop widget definitions following this Blogger Widget article and regular X/HTML web-design exercises.

The following is the result of this new Blogger template exercise.


To what we're seeing now.

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